Inscription 63202999
- id
- fc5ebfb442f7ec1bd947a23a03fbdf24743b7b677efd2350a568b2207533596ci0
- metadata
- name
- NodeDogzz #4719
- description
- The first original 10k collection of NodeDogzz inscribedon bitcoin
- image
- ipfs://NewUriToReplace/4719.png
- dna
- 122a1d02ba7f3b53a65887dbff21830580b2c56f
- edition
- 4719
- date
- 1709267085002
- attributes
- trait_type
- Body
- value
- Brown
- trait_type
- Earings
- value
- Cross
- trait_type
- Eyes
- value
- Bloodshot
- trait_type
- Head
- value
- Army
- compiler
- NodeDogzz
- address
- bc1q9jdnrl8uxsu4fkq7at7eh42ytcyp3mavx9rv9t
- value
- 233719241
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 435 bytes
- content type
- image/png
- timestamp
- height
- 833042
- fee
- 15792
- reveal transaction
- fc5ebfb442f7ec1bd947a23a03fbdf24743b7b677efd2350a568b2207533596c
- location
- 36e14b0e7e2e2e61da4003b055dc0fd4ae1b0bdba28c5105bdce11e4b8849639:3:100517643
- output
- 36e14b0e7e2e2e61da4003b055dc0fd4ae1b0bdba28c5105bdce11e4b8849639:3
- offset
- 100517643
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x74F9657547787983ceC4fAEa965A8778f100161f