Inscription 56717130
- parents
- id
- bf07c0c2f323ba25dd9d4cddf42bc48b5d0cfa890552e3025d142bde9a16460ci1
- metadata
- name
- Satoshi X PFPs #7623
- dna
- 45d5d510093882e56133f5212730ad6518f30fa4
- edition
- 7623
- attributes
- trait_type
- sage/back item
- value
- Bronze sword
- trait_type
- sage/pointed ears skin
- value
- Android
- trait_type
- sage/tattoo
- value
- Tatoo 2
- trait_type
- sage/outfit
- value
- Nakamoto Tshirt
- trait_type
- sage/facial hair
- value
- Beard
- trait_type
- sage/nose accessory
- value
- Nostril piecing
- trait_type
- sage/normal eyes
- value
- Golden
- trait_type
- sage/face feature
- value
- Aang mark
- trait_type
- sage/pointed ears accessory
- value
- Half heart
- trait_type
- sage/eyes wear
- value
- Visor
- trait_type
- sage/head with mask
- value
- Head 11
- trait_type
- sage/mouth with mask
- value
- Default
- address
- bc1pryn5a94py84rf08slwu2ppt3p9zed7cfz5jsj6hsyyv3da8hc05q8n7vc3
- value
- 330
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 181 bytes
- content type
- text/html;charset=utf-8
- timestamp
- height
- 826753
- fee
- 14200
- reveal transaction
- bf07c0c2f323ba25dd9d4cddf42bc48b5d0cfa890552e3025d142bde9a16460c
- location
- ac1a63d8d931321c2f01e7eb94dbe3d7fb59c0b7dea4f1e67970a175044a8bd9:4:0
- output
- ac1a63d8d931321c2f01e7eb94dbe3d7fb59c0b7dea4f1e67970a175044a8bd9:4
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x3d44c693fd886475efae714C74D6Dcf1d5D4347D