Inscription 63389567
- id
- 9fe5d37d86f8773a4a8a40be97ef1043d5c16095f348bfa0bee419cd72634a24i0
- metadata
- name
- NodeDogzz #2811
- description
- The first original 10k collection of NodeDogzz inscribedon bitcoin
- image
- ipfs://NewUriToReplace/2811.png
- dna
- e6e7b98bab404e3e1b95cf2aba78eefaf83e99ae
- edition
- 2811
- date
- 1709266967459
- attributes
- trait_type
- Body
- value
- HuskyHyena
- trait_type
- Earings
- value
- Diamond
- trait_type
- Eyes
- value
- Zombie
- trait_type
- Head
- value
- Terminate
- compiler
- NodeDogzz
- address
- 1CNtkWbb4grh8xtb8mhoZ6armNE9PHgzA8
- value
- 575600351925
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 469 bytes
- content type
- image/png
- timestamp
- height
- 833347
- fee
- 6940
- reveal transaction
- 9fe5d37d86f8773a4a8a40be97ef1043d5c16095f348bfa0bee419cd72634a24
- location
- d88649580969155250db590cd96985ae06fde33bec44a71a4dfb968969130fa9:1:357568173369
- output
- d88649580969155250db590cd96985ae06fde33bec44a71a4dfb968969130fa9:1
- offset
- 357568173369
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x86a0d01e840FfA81a98Dba54ed8C57265F6990f0