Inscription 53445095
- parents
- id
- 523b4864df715c0af8f45190fbaa845e1729c308d06285492d2685da58d6a5ddi22
- metadata
- title
- Pizza Skull
- description
- 69 XSULLO skullz here to blurse the mainnet.
- address
- bc1ptvny6qx84e98qpcy358v3sn4kfspk7q2kh4306nmssayeq48xmaskmm5eq
- value
- 666
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 12700 bytes
- content type
- image/png
- timestamp
- height
- 824586
- fee
- 127616
- reveal transaction
- 523b4864df715c0af8f45190fbaa845e1729c308d06285492d2685da58d6a5dd
- location
- 64a447fc541bfb423847129ea8a68e450a39bf7a90a4a1cea4aaf6942d425152:0:0
- output
- 64a447fc541bfb423847129ea8a68e450a39bf7a90a4a1cea4aaf6942d425152:0
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x23FfdFb8897Dcde6fB27cd01429c7918aAB02944