Bitcoin Sneaker Dogg 1st information Fuck web2 刻みこむ伝説 GODの導きインスクライブ デスク座りっぱ ドット打つ 不安定な環境で取るリスク 出遅れ感じた(inscription)14万台 半年後骨董品扱い 若いの(碑文)に価値があるのかは分からん が伝わるクリプトへの敬意 ラップしなくてもHIPHOPを表現 アートワークを乗せるオンチェーン 動き続けるハート永遠 生身は今牛丼のチェーン店 なぜ売れてるのか理解できん 俺にとっては 最高の褒め言葉 概念に昇華 なるmeme 世界一有名になるGIF Ordinal GOROS in da house UMEKO PUNKS in da house Ordinal MIMI in da house ホントはエヌ氏 in da house Nekohige Sign in da house Bitcoin Eyes in da house 6maker in da house ordinal japan in da house 同じ船にのるTMJP もれなく辿り着く新世界 誰も分からない この先 どんどん拡がる 無限大 IPFS サーバー料 未納? アートワーク自体消えちゃうの?you know? ETH、XTZで感じた違和感 ordinalで吹き飛ばす ドカン 全ての犬を刻むレアsat 新作23匹を制作 ありがとう届けたい わくわく 活動できるのもホルダーあって(リスペクト) ユーティリティが唯一アート No twitter NO Discord 配信はBTC inscription これが1st information Fuck web2 Engraving the legend GOD's Guidance Inscribe Sitting at a desk, hitting dots Risks to take in an unstable environment Felt late to the game (INSCRIBE) 140,000 units Treated as antiques after 6 months I don't know if the younger ones (inscription) are worth it. The respect for the crypto that is conveyed by Expressing HIPHOP without rapping On-chain to put artwork on Heart forever in motion flesh and blood is now a chain of beef bowls I don't understand why it's selling so well For me, it's the highest compliment A concept sublimated into a meme that becomes The GIF that will make you the most famous person in the world Ordinal GOROS in da house UMEKO PUNKS in da house Ordinal MIMI in da house Really Mr. N in da house Cat Mustache Sign in da house Bitcoin Eyes in da house 6maker in da house Ordinal japan in da house TMJP in the same boat A new world where no one is left behind No one knows what lies ahead The infinite that keeps on expanding IPFS server fees unpaid? Will the artwork itself disappear? I felt a sense of discomfort with ETH and XTZ. Blow it away with ordinal Boom! Rare sat to carve all the dogs 23 new dogs produced Thank you, I'm excited to deliver them to you It is with holders that I can work (respect) Utility is the only art No twitter NO Discord ONLY BTC inscription This is the 1st information